Thursday, October 13, 2011

God Is Awesome

As some of you know and some don't, right now my son is not living at home and my husband and I go visit him 3 days a week. Today I had an errand to run and had to take a bus home. Unfortunately I missed the bus by just a few seconds and here in Niagara Falls my bus only runs once per hour. This meant that I would be 15 minutes late at the minimum to meet my ride to see my son. Since they are only allowed to wait 15 minutes I knew that I would likely miss my visit today.

I texted my husband to ask him to call FACS, who we get the ride through, and ask the worker to have our ride come 15 minutes later. I would have called myself but I cannot call on my cell right now and had no money for a pay phone (I was using tickets for the bus). He did try to call but could not get ahold of our worker as she was not in the office.

I begged God for half an hour to help me be on time to see my son. And I started to cry (yes, in public) because it wasn't looking good. Oh me of little faith!

Anyway, while I was crying I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart and say, "Why are you crying? You begged Me to help you. Don't you trust Me?" This comforted me and I stopped crying.

When I got home the ride was waiting for me and had just arrived a few minutes earlier. The driver told me that she had forgotten the drive and was relaxing and was about to take a nap when she suddenly remembered! This made her a bit late, so she hadn't waited the 15 minutes required before she left so I didn't miss the visit! God is awesome!



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