Friday, June 02, 2006

Evidence of God

Evidence of God

One of the clearest times God showed His presence to me was actually something small, yet big. It happened a few years ago when my oldest daughter, Christine, was only about 9 or 10 years old (She's 17 now).

She had attended a Vacation Bible School and had made a clock for a friend. The night we took it home, the "second" hand caught on my coat and bent. I bent it back, but of course it was not as straight as it had been originally. Big deal, right? But I had no idea the part this would play in this story.

As we were walking home it was a very, very windy night. The wind caught the "second hand" of the clock Christine had made with such love for her friend. Knowing that her heart would be broken if the hand was lost I prayed that God would help me find it. But that would have been very difficult naturally, since it was a very dark, misty, windy night. Instead of finding the hand easily, the wind blew it further from me. This happened a couple of blocks from home with the wind blowing the total opposite direction from my home.

My faith had been growing thin at that time, and I prayed that if God was real He would return the hand to me, as my heart was breaking for Christine. My answer didn't come that night.

I returned home after searching for the hand, disappointed. I knew finding the clock hand was a lost cause. But God had something else in mind.

The next morning I had to go out somewhere (I forget where), and when I opened our front door there was the clock hand sitting right in front of the door!!!!! I knew it was the same hand because it had the same bend! There was no denying that God had returned it! In order for the hand to have turned up in front of our door naturally the wind would have had to reversed direction long enough to blow the hand 2 blocks to our home, then either up 10 feet or so to get over the side of our porch wall, then drop it right in front of the door, or keep blowing it to the steps on the side of the porch, then turned 90 degrees enough to blow it to the steps, then changed again to blow it up the steps onto the porch, only to stop dead right in front of the door. Highly unlikely!

I know it was God who strengthened my faith and healed the heart of a little girl!


At 5:14 PM, Blogger Job said...

Amen and Amen! Great blog!


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